===Creating a Google API Console Project:=== Go to the cloud console dashboard : https://console.cloud.google.com/home/dashboard At the top, click on "Select a project" (looks like a drop down, but will open a modal UI) In the popup, click on the "New Project" button to add a new project. Enter a project name, e.g. "Cool Forum Google Login" and click "Create". Note the ID (not the name) that's automatically assigned to the project. This will be useful for going directly to that project's settings if you have multiple google projects. This ID will be referred to as "projectID" in the following sections. ====generating a clientid & clientsecret==== Before we can get an oauth clientid, we must configure the project's OAuth consent screen (what users will see before they allow your project their permission to access their userinfo). Go to the OAuth consent screen page: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/consent (or https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/consent?project={projectID} if you already had one or more existing google projects). Fill in the required information and click "Save". Now go to the Credentials page: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials (Make sure that the project you created above is selected, or go directly to the project's credentials page via https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials?project={projectID} ) Click on "Create Credentials" and choose "OAuth client ID". For Application type pick "Web application". Click "Create". Under "Authorized redirect URIs" click "Add Url" Enter a redirect url of "{Your vB Site Root}/googlelogin.auth/callback". You do not need anything under "Authorized JavaScript origins" (This was used in previous versions of this add on). Your client ID & secret will be shown in a popup. Store these somewhere safe. (If you lose them, you can always get them back or regenerate new ones via the console) ===Enable GoogleLogin=== Log into your forum's AdminCP. Go to "Products & Hooks" > "Manage Products" and enable "Third Party Login - Google" if it's not already enabled. Click on the "Related Options: Enable Sign-in with Google" link to go to the options link. In the options, Enable Sign-in with Google & enter in the client id & secret you created above in the "Google OAuth Client ID" & "Google OAuth Client Secret", respectively. Save the options.