Edit 2021-11-15: Half-assed website now up at W3Paintball.com.
You can email me at

Edit 2021-09-23: Crappy installation video now in post #41
Edit 2021-09-13: I probably should have put this in the first post sooner, be these are now available for purchase. It's a soft rollout, so check post #33 for more details. Also post #28 for disassembly pictures, post #29 for o-ring details, post #30 for installation pictures, and post #31 for troubleshooting details.
Old/original post details below:
This isn't really a pre-order, but more of an interested list, as no money will change hands until the parts are ready to be shipped. This is for a velocity adjuster for the Umarex T4E HDR50/TR50 paintball revolver, and possibly the Umarex T4E HDP50 paintball pistol (fit has not been confirmed, as I have yet to receive one to check). They will probably sell for $30~$35 shipped in the US, but final price is yet to be confirmed. For now, just assume $35. They should be available mid-April. If you are interested, add your name to the list, and how many you are interested in.
Edit: Figuring out shipping and import duties (which I should have done before posting this), have just added about 33% to the total cost of my parts. So I'm going to revise the pricing estimate to be $35~$40. At this price I will have a slim profit margin, but at least I won't lose money on each one.
You can email me at

Edit 2021-09-23: Crappy installation video now in post #41
Edit 2021-09-13: I probably should have put this in the first post sooner, be these are now available for purchase. It's a soft rollout, so check post #33 for more details. Also post #28 for disassembly pictures, post #29 for o-ring details, post #30 for installation pictures, and post #31 for troubleshooting details.
Old/original post details below:
This isn't really a pre-order, but more of an interested list, as no money will change hands until the parts are ready to be shipped. This is for a velocity adjuster for the Umarex T4E HDR50/TR50 paintball revolver, and possibly the Umarex T4E HDP50 paintball pistol (fit has not been confirmed, as I have yet to receive one to check). They will probably sell for $30~$35 shipped in the US, but final price is yet to be confirmed. For now, just assume $35. They should be available mid-April. If you are interested, add your name to the list, and how many you are interested in.
Edit: Figuring out shipping and import duties (which I should have done before posting this), have just added about 33% to the total cost of my parts. So I'm going to revise the pricing estimate to be $35~$40. At this price I will have a slim profit margin, but at least I won't lose money on each one.