Responding to an inquiry in the WTB section, I'm planning a short run of BRASS Freak backs! I already have the material- which was fabulously expensive- all I need to do is wait for some spindle time in the turning center.
Because the stuff is so dang expensive- this is six hundred dollars' worth:

I was going to do a preorder just to pay for the material, but since I have all the business acumen of a potato, I went ahead and bought the stuff anyway.
So now the preorder is to buy and reserve your BrassBack. I very much doubt I'll ever do this again, so these will probably be the only ones ever made. (Other than somebody making their own, of course.) Buy it now or forever hold your peace.
These will be 'Cocker thread, profiled on the OD like a typical 2-piece back, and your choice of 'Classic' tips/inserts, or XL tips/inserts. They'll be $85 each, add $25 for full polished, and $10 for shipping anywhere in the US. Canada and overseas, hit me up for a quote. It'll probably have to be Priority, and that's about $32.
I have 33 blanks, as you can see, and plan to keep one for myself. The rest are up for grabs!
The timeline I hope to be about 2 to 4 weeks. I have some other jobs queued up for the turning center, but the programs are already written, I just need the time to set the tools and run 'em.
You want something different? Different barrel thread, leave the full OD? I can do that, just let me know.
For any of the above, you can PM me here or email me at ordering (at) and I'll get you a quote and my PayPal info.
Thank You!
Because the stuff is so dang expensive- this is six hundred dollars' worth:

I was going to do a preorder just to pay for the material, but since I have all the business acumen of a potato, I went ahead and bought the stuff anyway.

So now the preorder is to buy and reserve your BrassBack. I very much doubt I'll ever do this again, so these will probably be the only ones ever made. (Other than somebody making their own, of course.) Buy it now or forever hold your peace.

These will be 'Cocker thread, profiled on the OD like a typical 2-piece back, and your choice of 'Classic' tips/inserts, or XL tips/inserts. They'll be $85 each, add $25 for full polished, and $10 for shipping anywhere in the US. Canada and overseas, hit me up for a quote. It'll probably have to be Priority, and that's about $32.
I have 33 blanks, as you can see, and plan to keep one for myself. The rest are up for grabs!
The timeline I hope to be about 2 to 4 weeks. I have some other jobs queued up for the turning center, but the programs are already written, I just need the time to set the tools and run 'em.
You want something different? Different barrel thread, leave the full OD? I can do that, just let me know.
For any of the above, you can PM me here or email me at ordering (at) and I'll get you a quote and my PayPal info.
Thank You!