I swear every time I acquire another Adrenaline Impulse that I'm never going to get rid of it.
Then I do.
Then Adrenaline comes up with a new marker and these sky rocket and I got nuts trying to find another because I'm a big fat hype train hopper.
That's all irrelevant. I'm back up to 16 markers and all I can think of is how much Jonnydread is judging me as he falls asleep every night. So, something has to hit the chopping block.
On with the show!
Up for sale is my Factory green to yellow fade Adrenaline Impulse. She's a beaut.
All stock everything, I do believe. I haven't aired it up since I got it last November. There are a few scratches on the barrel back, but the rest of the marker is pretty beautiful. I can try to get better pictures when I'm home. I'll do my best to air it up, but I've been saying I'm going to get air for the last three months and haven't. So, for now, assume it'll need some O-rings. Ill update if I get air before it sells.
Price is going to be $575 shipped obo.
Discuss payment options in PM.
Going to give MCB first dibs on this before throwing it to the vultures on Facebook.
Thanks for looking, feel free to ask any questions.
Then I do.
Then Adrenaline comes up with a new marker and these sky rocket and I got nuts trying to find another because I'm a big fat hype train hopper.
That's all irrelevant. I'm back up to 16 markers and all I can think of is how much Jonnydread is judging me as he falls asleep every night. So, something has to hit the chopping block.
On with the show!
Up for sale is my Factory green to yellow fade Adrenaline Impulse. She's a beaut.
All stock everything, I do believe. I haven't aired it up since I got it last November. There are a few scratches on the barrel back, but the rest of the marker is pretty beautiful. I can try to get better pictures when I'm home. I'll do my best to air it up, but I've been saying I'm going to get air for the last three months and haven't. So, for now, assume it'll need some O-rings. Ill update if I get air before it sells.
Price is going to be $575 shipped obo.
Discuss payment options in PM.
Going to give MCB first dibs on this before throwing it to the vultures on Facebook.
Thanks for looking, feel free to ask any questions.