Looking to sell a Vanquish 1.5 that I picked up earlier this year. This one is kinda special as it’s a Pro Owned, One of One. Both of which are terms I hate to use, but they do fit in this case. This was Kevin “Kali” Rudulph, of Infamous, personal gun, even has his signature in the tray area. Marker is in used, but good condition. It has a sporadic hissing from the bolt, which stops when you push on the bolt tip. Comes with marker, stock Empire Freak barrel with Carbon tip, 3 freak inserts, full parts kit, stock bolt and v16 bolt, gun bag. It is in good cosmetic shape, it does have some anno wear and a few nicks here and there. Recently installed all new grips and a new button for the joystick.
Asking $old!! Shipped/paypay’d to US only. No trades at this time.
Asking $old!! Shipped/paypay’d to US only. No trades at this time.