These are in the possession of my sister, who will handle the shipping. She runs an auction company ( and asked me to list these. They've both been in storage for a while and may need a rebuild.
Micromag - I believe this is a gen 2 because it has the screw on detent and removable barrel. Untested but looks clean. The hopper isn't included. Asking $300 shipped.
Minimag - Includes the Smart Parts barrel. Untested. Asking $185 shipped.

These are in the possession of my sister, who will handle the shipping. She runs an auction company ( and asked me to list these. They've both been in storage for a while and may need a rebuild.
Micromag - I believe this is a gen 2 because it has the screw on detent and removable barrel. Untested but looks clean. The hopper isn't included. Asking $300 shipped.
Minimag - Includes the Smart Parts barrel. Untested. Asking $185 shipped.
