SOLD!!! Looking to sell my Gen 2 Pro Team Products Micromag
Prices are in USD , and this will ship from Ontario, Canada....
- it was dust black, previous owner gave it a silver paintjob. Not terrible, but not professional anno either.
- The trigger frame was cut by previous owner for double trigger.
- I rebuilt the ball detent with a pen spring. It’s working fine, but it’s not stock.
- Detent screws were getting a bit loose in the body. I replaced with those 3-Lobe self-tapping screws you see there in the pics, and it’s holding well. Expect a repair in future at some point.
I can include the Warp Feed or not. The Warp Feed is in good shape, feeds fine in my testing. Pre-loading button works. Vibration sensor works. PTP warp adapter and hose and fittings included.
SOLD!!!! $350 shipped with the Warp Feed loader and accessories, $275 shipped without the Warp loader SOLD!!!!!!!!
Prices are in USD , and this will ship from Ontario, Canada....
- Gen 2 Micromag Body with classic PTP powerfeed
- it comes with the stock PTP vert asa
- Benchmark gas thru grip installed
- lasered micromag valve with matching serial #s
- a Gun F/X 45 frame with Benchmark double trigger installed (fyi, this frame has the mounting points inside for a Response Trigger, if you could ever find a Response Trigger Kit )
- comes with the shorty micromag stock barrel and the 10” chrome CP
- period correct steel braided line all around ,with a quick disconnect
- no leaks, cycles fine
- it was dust black, previous owner gave it a silver paintjob. Not terrible, but not professional anno either.
- The trigger frame was cut by previous owner for double trigger.
- I rebuilt the ball detent with a pen spring. It’s working fine, but it’s not stock.
- Detent screws were getting a bit loose in the body. I replaced with those 3-Lobe self-tapping screws you see there in the pics, and it’s holding well. Expect a repair in future at some point.
I can include the Warp Feed or not. The Warp Feed is in good shape, feeds fine in my testing. Pre-loading button works. Vibration sensor works. PTP warp adapter and hose and fittings included.
SOLD!!!! $350 shipped with the Warp Feed loader and accessories, $275 shipped without the Warp loader SOLD!!!!!!!!