edit- sold!
Hey it's one of those weird things! Worked last time it was aired up ~10 years ago; likely needs some o-rings. I would say the ano is in excellent shape. You all know the drill. Asking $250 shipped.
Obviously we all used to have our feedback threads and many of us don't anymore. If it helps I can offer you my PBN feedback. https://www.pbnation.com/feedback.php?u=459472
Hey it's one of those weird things! Worked last time it was aired up ~10 years ago; likely needs some o-rings. I would say the ano is in excellent shape. You all know the drill. Asking $250 shipped.
Obviously we all used to have our feedback threads and many of us don't anymore. If it helps I can offer you my PBN feedback. https://www.pbnation.com/feedback.php?u=459472