98 Desert Fox for sale... Price: $200.00 shipped, OBO

- Fox
- Three barrels
- Cocker barrel adapter
Condition: Used, sold As-Is, held air when last hung on the wall but plan on needing to refresh orings and seals.
Trades: The only things I may want would be an eMag valve, or a pneumag frame.
Payment: PayPal preferred.
Shipping: USPS Priority in the US
Price: $200.00 shipped, or best offer.
Post or PM if interested!
Thanks for looking......
98 Desert Fox for sale... Price: $200.00 shipped, OBO
- Fox
- Three barrels
- Cocker barrel adapter
Condition: Used, sold As-Is, held air when last hung on the wall but plan on needing to refresh orings and seals.
Trades: The only things I may want would be an eMag valve, or a pneumag frame.
Payment: PayPal preferred.
Shipping: USPS Priority in the US
Price: $200.00 shipped, or best offer.
Post or PM if interested!
Thanks for looking......