Moving this for a friend so I don't have tons of background on it. Pretty sure it is a typhoon but I also know that some of these were converted and there were a few variants so if you need better pictures of something let me know. He has not shot it in years. Externally in good shape. I put some air on it and it is pissing air out the hpr and some down the barrel (maybe other areas but can't tell because of the other leaks) but it will cycle and recock quickly. Based on the it recocking and shooting I am guessing a oring rebuild of the HRP and valve would get her close to running. I just do not really want to put in the work to get her back up and running as I have enough projects already.
Looking for 425 shipped and Paypal'd OBO.
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Looking for 425 shipped and Paypal'd OBO.
For some reason MCB is not liking my embedded pics. This link should get you out to the gallery.