Black Magic in GunCandy Mongoose
I really wanted to keep this, but the tax man is gonna wreck me this year. Marker is currently set up as a mech, but includes a pump handle if you want to go that route. Marker was cerakoted in Gun Candy "Mongoose", and really shines in the sunlight.
Package includes:
05 Black Magic
Dye/Freeflow Frame
Dye Regulator
Inception Stella 675, 680, 685, Freak and PWR Insert backs (No inserts included)
Inception A1 and 14" Stella tip
Deadlywind 14" Carbon fiber tip
Full Shocktech Pnuematics
Custom "oDm" pump handle (fits CCM/ kits)
Price - $885 OBO Shipped SOLD SOLD SOLD

Here's what it looks like with a CCM/ACP pump kit (Kit not included, pump handle is)

I really wanted to keep this, but the tax man is gonna wreck me this year. Marker is currently set up as a mech, but includes a pump handle if you want to go that route. Marker was cerakoted in Gun Candy "Mongoose", and really shines in the sunlight.
Package includes:
05 Black Magic
Dye/Freeflow Frame
Dye Regulator
Inception Stella 675, 680, 685, Freak and PWR Insert backs (No inserts included)
Inception A1 and 14" Stella tip
Deadlywind 14" Carbon fiber tip
Full Shocktech Pnuematics
Custom "oDm" pump handle (fits CCM/ kits)
Price - $885 OBO Shipped SOLD SOLD SOLD

Here's what it looks like with a CCM/ACP pump kit (Kit not included, pump handle is)
