I've got two classic mags ready for a new home. These were my loaners for quite a while I believe they were old rental guns when I picked them up. Viewloader foregrips on both. I just gave them both a new piston o-ring, replaced the urethane o-rings in the on/off's and a new power tube o-ring (the one down inside not the one on the brass tip), also new o-rings in the quick disconnects, the teflons in the on/off were fine so I left them as is. Both hold air, cycle and shoot paintballs. Had no problem getting them to chrono over 300fps with hotdog down a hallway type of bore match (this new paint is just stupid small).
Both of these also have the powertube welds cut because I was experimenting with de-volumizers at one point. I used a lathe and a small radius cutter to machine away the weld, it's done cleanly not hacked. If you want an un-cut valve I have other classic valves here in similar condition that I can go through and swap in.
Both have numbers engraved in the top rear of the SS body. No safeties in either of them.
Prices shipped (USA)
Number one: Has AGD grip - $125 SOLD!

Both of these also have the powertube welds cut because I was experimenting with de-volumizers at one point. I used a lathe and a small radius cutter to machine away the weld, it's done cleanly not hacked. If you want an un-cut valve I have other classic valves here in similar condition that I can go through and swap in.
Both have numbers engraved in the top rear of the SS body. No safeties in either of them.
Prices shipped (USA)
Number one: Has AGD grip - $125 SOLD!