1 Bob Long super clean 60.00 tested & working
2 Bob Long Has scratches 30.00 tested and working ...sold
Black Ice unireg 30.00 untested..Pending to Shark .sold.
CP shorty 0-300 working but beat up a lil. 35.00 SOLD
Spartan untested 25.00 sold
Chrome WGP tested and working 20.00
WGP Black Tested and working 18.00 sold!!
WGP well worn 15.00 untested
Prices are shipped USA
NO GIFTING , I dont care who you are, if you gift, I will refund you and send a turd from my lil dog..

2 Bob Long Has scratches 30.00 tested and working ...sold
Black Ice unireg 30.00 untested..Pending to Shark .sold.
CP shorty 0-300 working but beat up a lil. 35.00 SOLD
Spartan untested 25.00 sold
Chrome WGP tested and working 20.00
WGP Black Tested and working 18.00 sold!!
WGP well worn 15.00 untested
Prices are shipped USA
NO GIFTING , I dont care who you are, if you gift, I will refund you and send a turd from my lil dog..
