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Old Angel G3 OTP Barrel Sizers NOS

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    Old Angel G3 OTP Barrel Sizers NOS

    I have a Few sets of new old stock OTP G3 Old Angel Back sets
    55.00 shipped TYD USA...
    I do have some Barrels but those will be sold as Angel sets with angel backs only..

    woouulf's Feedback
    woouulf's wayback Feedback

    that .681 size is 2022's .689 from the good ol days!
    '96 RF Mini Cocker, '95 RF Autococker, 68-Automag Classic, Banzai Splash Minimag, Gen-E Matrix, Shoebox Shocker 4x4, Montneel Z-1, Tippmann Pro-Carbine, Tippmann Mini-Lite, Tippmann Model-98, Tippmann 68-Special, Spyder .50 cal Opus/Opus-A , Tippmann .50 Cal Cronus , Gog Enmey .50 cal , Tippmann Vert ASA 68-Carbine, Bob Long Millennium, ICD Grey Green Marble Splash Alleycat Deluxe (runs liquid co2) , Halfblock 2K4 Prostock Autococker , 2K RF Sniper II

    Meleager7 Feedback:

    Mel Eager Productions, Paintball Videos:


      Interested, but need to check if I have the front for this or if it's a different brand.


        Definitely interested in buying one with an angel barrel for it. What are the barrel lengths & colors?


          The backs are black . The fronts are all colors and length ..... I do have 12 & 14in in black. Are you trying to match a color?
          woouulf's Feedback
          woouulf's wayback Feedback

