I recently came into a massive parts box, took the stuff I wanted, and am distributing the rest.
If you have an A5 or Prolite these are the best of the best of a time before I ever shot a paintball.
All are one piece and new in the package. They may have dings but I don’t see any through the plastic, and I ain’t takin em out. If the name seems wrong it’s because I made it up.
left to right:
All American x 5
Dong tip x 2
Armson ribbed for her pleasure x 2
J&J Ceramic x 2
$20 shipped each,
(please someone pick this option) $50 shipped for all.
If you have an A5 or Prolite these are the best of the best of a time before I ever shot a paintball.
All are one piece and new in the package. They may have dings but I don’t see any through the plastic, and I ain’t takin em out. If the name seems wrong it’s because I made it up.
left to right:
All American x 5
Dong tip x 2
Armson ribbed for her pleasure x 2
J&J Ceramic x 2
$20 shipped each,
(please someone pick this option) $50 shipped for all.