So I was digging around my garage and I ran across some extra triggers! I was holding on to them till the whole parts shortage ended for the bearing and well.... I forgot about them.
More bearings are on order but I have one ready to go right now! I'll update once the rest are ready.
Qty 1 anodized aluminum trigger - $30 + shipping (ALL SOLD)
Qty 1 carbon reinforced nylon (alpha prototype) trigger - $20 + shipping (ALL SOLD)
First come first serve via PM. Paypal only please.
More info if you need it:
The alpha testing prototype (not the stainless steel ones) made of carbon reinforced nylon made from MJF printing. Solid and nice on the fingers
More bearings are on order but I have one ready to go right now! I'll update once the rest are ready.
Qty 1 anodized aluminum trigger - $30 + shipping (ALL SOLD)
Qty 1 carbon reinforced nylon (alpha prototype) trigger - $20 + shipping (ALL SOLD)
First come first serve via PM. Paypal only please.
More info if you need it:
The alpha testing prototype (not the stainless steel ones) made of carbon reinforced nylon made from MJF printing. Solid and nice on the fingers