All parts must go.
●Automag polished powerfeed left body w/autococker barrel adapter. $45 ea. usd. shipped
( 2avail.)
●Automag cut c/f frames w/double.trigger $20 ea.usd shipped (2 avail)
●Automag velocity locking ring
$20 usd. shipped red
●Automag level 7 bolt non foamie $15 ea. usd. shipped
(2 avail)
●Auromag VASA $15 ea.usd shipped gloss black( 2 avail)
Take aii above for $120 usd. shipped
●Custom Products Gas Thru Grip $20 ea. usd shipped gloss black Brand New
(3 avail)
●Custom Products pro rail $15 ea.usd shipped dust black
(3 avail)
●CCM Angel feedneck $20 ea usd shipped gloss black (2avail)
●CCM AKA Viking feedneck $20 usd shipped gloss black ( Brand New)
●Dye Titanium .688 Palmer 2k Blazer Back $20 ea. usd shipped Brand New (4 avail)
●Dye UL Palmer 2k Blazer kit 3 backs .680 .684 .688 14" tip dust black $140 brand newṭ
●Dye UL barrel kit a/c 3 backs .680 .684 .688 14" tip dust black brand new $140 ea. usd shipped (2 avail)
●Planet Eclipse FL barrel kit a/c 3 backs .680 .684 .689 aluminum tip dust black $150 ea. shipped brand new
(2 avail)
●Lapco shaft 4/5 14" tips dust black $20 ea. shipped brand new (10 avail)
●Super Stanchy Customs a/c classic freak to xl adapter black $20 ea. usd shipped brand new
(4 avail)
●Super Stanchy Customs a/c FL barrel adapter black $20 ea. usd shipped (4 avail)
●Automag polished powerfeed left body w/autococker barrel adapter. $45 ea. usd. shipped
( 2avail.)
●Automag cut c/f frames w/double.trigger $20 ea.usd shipped (2 avail)
●Automag velocity locking ring
$20 usd. shipped red
●Automag level 7 bolt non foamie $15 ea. usd. shipped
(2 avail)
●Auromag VASA $15 ea.usd shipped gloss black( 2 avail)
Take aii above for $120 usd. shipped
●Custom Products Gas Thru Grip $20 ea. usd shipped gloss black Brand New
(3 avail)
●Custom Products pro rail $15 ea.usd shipped dust black
(3 avail)
●CCM Angel feedneck $20 ea usd shipped gloss black (2avail)
●CCM AKA Viking feedneck $20 usd shipped gloss black ( Brand New)
●Dye Titanium .688 Palmer 2k Blazer Back $20 ea. usd shipped Brand New (4 avail)
●Dye UL Palmer 2k Blazer kit 3 backs .680 .684 .688 14" tip dust black $140 brand newṭ
●Dye UL barrel kit a/c 3 backs .680 .684 .688 14" tip dust black brand new $140 ea. usd shipped (2 avail)
●Planet Eclipse FL barrel kit a/c 3 backs .680 .684 .689 aluminum tip dust black $150 ea. shipped brand new
(2 avail)
●Lapco shaft 4/5 14" tips dust black $20 ea. shipped brand new (10 avail)
●Super Stanchy Customs a/c classic freak to xl adapter black $20 ea. usd shipped brand new
(4 avail)
●Super Stanchy Customs a/c FL barrel adapter black $20 ea. usd shipped (4 avail)