Selling items are currently do not use. Price listed includes PP fees and USPS Ground Advantage shipped to CONUS.
If shipping outside the US, I will have to verify shipping cost. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you for looking.
$old on FB

NEW ICD t-stock level changer with end cap conversion and spare pin/fastener
purchased new from ICD, just looking to get back what I paid
t-stock is a bit too long for my pumps so it never saw the field
$old to GoalieGuy42

new condition, gently used FS CF 15/4500
ninja adjustable reg
born date 11/21
purchased new from ANSgear in early 23
new HG3D long cover
redz tank cover was used in field so tank is pristine
my 13/45 fits better with my p-block/cci drop with t-stocks anyways
If shipping outside the US, I will have to verify shipping cost. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you for looking.
$old on FB
NEW ICD t-stock level changer with end cap conversion and spare pin/fastener
purchased new from ICD, just looking to get back what I paid
t-stock is a bit too long for my pumps so it never saw the field
$old to GoalieGuy42
new condition, gently used FS CF 15/4500
ninja adjustable reg
born date 11/21
purchased new from ANSgear in early 23
new HG3D long cover
redz tank cover was used in field so tank is pristine
my 13/45 fits better with my p-block/cci drop with t-stocks anyways
