Nice OC Phantom here. Shoots great on compressed air, nice and quiet.
PPS brass barrel - 12" Nickel, seems to be .685
ASP Detent milled body (for pocketed orings as detents
Undercocking kit
Clamping feedneck - neck trimmed down for what appears to be an old style EGO feedneck. Works great.
A really good shooting Phantom with a hard to find barrel. The PPS brass barrel really balances out the marker nicely. Very comfortable to shoot. Has a few little marks here and there from play, but nothing major.
$400 shipped SOLDSOLDSOLD
PPS brass barrel - 12" Nickel, seems to be .685
ASP Detent milled body (for pocketed orings as detents
Undercocking kit
Clamping feedneck - neck trimmed down for what appears to be an old style EGO feedneck. Works great.
A really good shooting Phantom with a hard to find barrel. The PPS brass barrel really balances out the marker nicely. Very comfortable to shoot. Has a few little marks here and there from play, but nothing major.
$400 shipped SOLDSOLDSOLD