both have been the subjects of multiple experiments and have been mad scienced to hell
2k2 vert feed, I recently ran it on a shop compressor, the 3 way needs rebuilt but everything else seemed to seal. As it was on just a shop compressor, I can't verify the regs regulating but they do let air through. The sight rail was partially milled away to make room for my attempt at a pneumatic AT. You will notice a ram epoxied into the frame as well, it has worked for a RT setup this thing has had in the past, but it rattled itself to pieces within 1000 cycles and required constant work. I'll include the remnants of the failed AT. If you want to make one for yourself, I think the picture shows what I did pretty well, it's damned easy. $120 shipped and pp'd not really interested in international shipping. QUICK DISCONNECT NOT INCLUDED.

pump sov 1, untested/unused/unaired for at least 5 years. It has a modified cocker bolt and the ram bolt is history. There is a milled out spot on the frame where a 3 way had been epoxied in (I've stopped using that stuff...really). This thing really suffers from the lack of forethought on my part. Things like, I wanted to run a vert 3.5 but it doesn't have a pin to open the tank valve so you need a tank with a manual valve or a reg. Not only did I mill into a fairly rare pump handle from WWA, I put that big slab of brass right where it blocks the velocity adjuster, and the pump handle has to be removed to adjust velocity. The feedneck has been cut down for the SC feed that I have no ball gate for. Comes with both barrels. $120 shipped and pp'd, no international shipping.

2k2 vert feed, I recently ran it on a shop compressor, the 3 way needs rebuilt but everything else seemed to seal. As it was on just a shop compressor, I can't verify the regs regulating but they do let air through. The sight rail was partially milled away to make room for my attempt at a pneumatic AT. You will notice a ram epoxied into the frame as well, it has worked for a RT setup this thing has had in the past, but it rattled itself to pieces within 1000 cycles and required constant work. I'll include the remnants of the failed AT. If you want to make one for yourself, I think the picture shows what I did pretty well, it's damned easy. $120 shipped and pp'd not really interested in international shipping. QUICK DISCONNECT NOT INCLUDED.
pump sov 1, untested/unused/unaired for at least 5 years. It has a modified cocker bolt and the ram bolt is history. There is a milled out spot on the frame where a 3 way had been epoxied in (I've stopped using that stuff...really). This thing really suffers from the lack of forethought on my part. Things like, I wanted to run a vert 3.5 but it doesn't have a pin to open the tank valve so you need a tank with a manual valve or a reg. Not only did I mill into a fairly rare pump handle from WWA, I put that big slab of brass right where it blocks the velocity adjuster, and the pump handle has to be removed to adjust velocity. The feedneck has been cut down for the SC feed that I have no ball gate for. Comes with both barrels. $120 shipped and pp'd, no international shipping.