MINT 2k2 Green Serpent Vert Feed
Asking SOLD
empire feedneck mod (BMC Fabrication)
new inception feedneck
new pooty rainbow splach freak back
SP green 14" teardrop tip
Inception bolt
inception cocking rod
rebuilt WGP reg
new kills rail
CCM Springs, little farty - I might swap them to remove the fart
WGP lower tube
ANS finger Grips
new dust ACP detent
245psi @ 1.5 IVG turns in 275fps(reball)
Picture was a mock up, see video for complete build, I'll update the photo soon.
Asking SOLD
empire feedneck mod (BMC Fabrication)
new inception feedneck
new pooty rainbow splach freak back
SP green 14" teardrop tip
Inception bolt
inception cocking rod
rebuilt WGP reg
new kills rail
CCM Springs, little farty - I might swap them to remove the fart
WGP lower tube
ANS finger Grips
new dust ACP detent
245psi @ 1.5 IVG turns in 275fps(reball)
Picture was a mock up, see video for complete build, I'll update the photo soon.