LineSI Bushmaster, Price: $135.00 Shipped

Condition: Used, holds air and shoots. Has not been chronoed
Trades: None that I can think of.
Payment: PayPal preferred, FF appreciated but not required.
Shipping: USPS Priority, flat rate (I will cover US shipment, if out of country then additional costs will apply.
Post and/or PM if you have questions.
Thanks for looking!
LineSI Bushmaster, Price: $135.00 Shipped
Condition: Used, holds air and shoots. Has not been chronoed
Trades: None that I can think of.
Payment: PayPal preferred, FF appreciated but not required.
Shipping: USPS Priority, flat rate (I will cover US shipment, if out of country then additional costs will apply.
Post and/or PM if you have questions.
Thanks for looking!