Another one bites the dust. This is the exact gun I wanted when I first got in to pumps. Buddy of mine had one in this color but would never let me buy it off him. Many, many years later... this one landed in my lap. But funds are funds and I have grail guns I won't sell that fill this role... so here it is up for sale.
CCI Phantom with Green/black acid wash.
- Matching RF body - Bottomline ASA - T-Stock - 11" barrel (Freak bored) and 14" Barrel (Not freak bored)
Gloss Black
- Spare VSC valve with gauge (vertical ASA is also black, but you don't notice it with the other parts)
- Ghost ring
- Uundercocking Kit (Not installed, I prefer the stock pump)
Dust Black
-Empire springfeed adapter.
Price - $550 Shipped. SOLD SOLD SOLD
No Trades
CCI Phantom with Green/black acid wash.
- Matching RF body - Bottomline ASA - T-Stock - 11" barrel (Freak bored) and 14" Barrel (Not freak bored)
Gloss Black
- Spare VSC valve with gauge (vertical ASA is also black, but you don't notice it with the other parts)
- Ghost ring
- Uundercocking Kit (Not installed, I prefer the stock pump)
Dust Black
-Empire springfeed adapter.
Price - $550 Shipped. SOLD SOLD SOLD
No Trades