clearing out some space in th collection so up for sale today
anything over 100 includes shipping
feel free to make offers need them all gone
pmi2 df wood grips holds air but occasionally has a small leak at the back of the transfer tube 125
p68 stock class feed with palmers quick feed back bottle set up holds air 150
nelspot 007 with phantom internals cerakoted with back bottle and extended barrel has both stock barrel and the pice for air thru grip body had been cut so you can move the cocking knob to either side 145
spitfire pump holds air shoots great the slider on this thing feels great has at 80
northwest comp 2 holds air has a slight sear adjustment issue sometimes it catches sometimes it doesn't slider frame is great as well has at 100
vsc phantom with Rainman pump kit no 12-gram changer freak bored barrel 350?
phantom revolution I think I only have one breech insert (started with 5 if I find them they will be added in) stock class feed. Has both “bolts” gage on the back cracked. Standered vsc set up as I could never get the reg to wrk properly. F I find that I’ll throw it I as well. 300?
most of a traccer i think 50
double barrel nasty houndsphoon with palmers micro feeds (sending it to a buddy to see if we can get 300 out of both barrels) 1000
anything over 100 includes shipping
feel free to make offers need them all gone
pmi2 df wood grips holds air but occasionally has a small leak at the back of the transfer tube 125
p68 stock class feed with palmers quick feed back bottle set up holds air 150
nelspot 007 with phantom internals cerakoted with back bottle and extended barrel has both stock barrel and the pice for air thru grip body had been cut so you can move the cocking knob to either side 145
spitfire pump holds air shoots great the slider on this thing feels great has at 80
northwest comp 2 holds air has a slight sear adjustment issue sometimes it catches sometimes it doesn't slider frame is great as well has at 100
vsc phantom with Rainman pump kit no 12-gram changer freak bored barrel 350?
phantom revolution I think I only have one breech insert (started with 5 if I find them they will be added in) stock class feed. Has both “bolts” gage on the back cracked. Standered vsc set up as I could never get the reg to wrk properly. F I find that I’ll throw it I as well. 300?
most of a traccer i think 50
double barrel nasty houndsphoon with palmers micro feeds (sending it to a buddy to see if we can get 300 out of both barrels) 1000