For a limited time only. The HPA 26ci/3k tank and revy is included with askig price.
.CCI Phantom with brass accents for sale only... $450 shippedOBRO (Tippmann HPA and 12v revy not included w/ price posted)
Premium members recieve an additional $40 discount. Cash, USPS Money Order or paypal payment only.
CCI Trigger frame
ASP detent modified CCI OC/CDF body
45 CCI grip frame
APP panels w/ a soft finger wrap around Pierce insert
PPS Stabilizer
12" phreak EV barrel( .689 insert included if needed)
Brass hardlines, feedneck lever, trigger shoe, pump shim and an aux. airport plug for ASA.
Pictures are limited to old pics or potato phone camera quality(adding pics asap ).
Silver 'n black phantom disciption and prices found further down the thead.
.CCI Phantom with brass accents for sale only... $450 shipped
Premium members recieve an additional $40 discount. Cash, USPS Money Order or paypal payment only.
CCI Trigger frame
ASP detent modified CCI OC/CDF body
45 CCI grip frame
APP panels w/ a soft finger wrap around Pierce insert
PPS Stabilizer
12" phreak EV barrel( .689 insert included if needed)
Brass hardlines, feedneck lever, trigger shoe, pump shim and an aux. airport plug for ASA.
Pictures are limited to old pics or potato phone camera quality(adding pics asap ).
Silver 'n black phantom disciption and prices found further down the thead.