Downsizing the Phantom herd so these are on the chopping block. I am not looking to negotiate much, you either want them and are wiling to pay for them or not. My tune might change if you buy multiple or bundle them with some of my other Phantom parts.

- Shipping is not included.
- PayPal G&S
- I ship to the PayPal address only
- Trade possibilities listed at the end of OP
- Tree Bark Camo Back Bottle RF Phantom w/RamLine Grip and L-Stock 14" non-bored barrel - $400 shipped CONUS (Bought this off Jonnydread for the same price that included shipping so you get the same deal)
- VSC Phantom w/bottom line adapter, 11" insert bored barrel, Vendetta Style Undercocking Kit and APOC 20 rd Spring Feed & 10rd feed. - $650 + Shipping
- VSC Phantom w/12rd Stock Feed, Vendetta Style Undercocking kit, CO2 Quick Changer, ASP Stock Class Breach w/detents & Cocker Threaded, 5" Insert Barrel with CF Tip
and the ever allusive L-StockL-Stock no longer included price updated. - $600 + Shipping
- 9vdc Revy preferably pre-BE but open to others
- Wintec/Lapco parts and hardware (doing some restorations)
- XL inserts (bought one of Jordan's creations he made around XL inserts and I don't have any but JeeperCreeper's 0.675 Brass one)
- PMI, AGD, or VL single hole wrap around grips
- Magic the Gathering cards (even at my age I'm still a kid who likes to play games)
- CCM pump kits/parts
- ICS (internal cocking system) for Sniper II/Autococker
- AKA Sidewinder
- Carbon Fiber gas through grip (Mag project)
- PE OOPs 2 On/Off ASA (color unimportant)