For Sale: CCI Open Class (OC) Phantom, Price: $435.00 shipped

- Used, sold As-Is
- Holds HPA (I didn't have any Co2 for testing)
- Side feed valve body
- .45 grip with aluminum/carbon fiber panels
- Rainman Undercocking kit
- Phantom 2.0 vertical feed body with orings and clamping feedneck
- Vertical ASA
- Some scratches, end of barrel dings that don't affect shooting and look worse in the picture (I'll never understand how people do this)
- Blue Trigger shoe
- Stock springs
- New CCI (not EV) cup seal
- TPC is the non-oring type, takes a flat tip screwdriver to adjust
- 11" stock barrel, not Freak bored
- Macroline from valve body to VASA (I find it easier to field strip)
- Braided line from VASA to bottomline
Chrono results:
- HPA, 800psi tank: 295-305fps
- Projectile used: Reballs
- Temperature and location: 65f, dry basement
Trades: None that I can think of...
Payment: PayPal preferred, FF appreciated but not required.
Shipping: US Postal Service
Post and/or PM if you have questions.
Thanks for looking!
- Used, sold As-Is
- Holds HPA (I didn't have any Co2 for testing)
- Side feed valve body
- .45 grip with aluminum/carbon fiber panels
- Rainman Undercocking kit
- Phantom 2.0 vertical feed body with orings and clamping feedneck
- Vertical ASA
- Some scratches, end of barrel dings that don't affect shooting and look worse in the picture (I'll never understand how people do this)
- Blue Trigger shoe
- Stock springs
- New CCI (not EV) cup seal
- TPC is the non-oring type, takes a flat tip screwdriver to adjust
- 11" stock barrel, not Freak bored
- Macroline from valve body to VASA (I find it easier to field strip)
- Braided line from VASA to bottomline
Chrono results:
- HPA, 800psi tank: 295-305fps
- Projectile used: Reballs
- Temperature and location: 65f, dry basement
Trades: None that I can think of...
Payment: PayPal preferred, FF appreciated but not required.
Shipping: US Postal Service
Post and/or PM if you have questions.
Thanks for looking!