Thinning out some of my brass pieces. Willing to discount quite a bit if someone wants to take it all and save me some shipping time.
Everything is tested working with no leaks.
PGP with bottom tube cut out - $80
Nelspot 007 - $70
Nelspot 007 Nickle plated - $150
PMI 2 - $100
PGP2k Body with Alum pump handle - $60
Everything is + shipping
Once again if someone takes it all I'll swing a deal.
Everything is tested working with no leaks.
PGP with bottom tube cut out - $80
Nelspot 007 - $70
Nelspot 007 Nickle plated - $150
PMI 2 - $100
PGP2k Body with Alum pump handle - $60
Everything is + shipping
Once again if someone takes it all I'll swing a deal.