So here's the deal for 100 shipped to your door, us only please as Canada creates havoc with my PayPal, you can choose any two items on this table that will be put into a medium flat rate along with a bunch of other stuff to your door.
Most of the guns work with the exception of one or two. The tank is out of date and the gel coat is cracked but it is quite usable as I just sort of retired it.
If you're on the Facebook group it is using large flat rate boxes at a different price but would include more stuff.
However this deal is more fitting in this category here still will come with a bunch of other random things just less random things.
Sold items.
- two factor x2's gone - Electra dx
- amg
Most of the guns work with the exception of one or two. The tank is out of date and the gel coat is cracked but it is quite usable as I just sort of retired it.
If you're on the Facebook group it is using large flat rate boxes at a different price but would include more stuff.
However this deal is more fitting in this category here still will come with a bunch of other random things just less random things.
Sold items.
- two factor x2's gone - Electra dx
- amg