You ladies with your Pacemakers and dinky little 10EEs best turn away now. I present you with the ultimate in home shop lathes- the Unimat-SL!

Yep, the very pinnacle in speed, power, rigidity, precision, accuracy, stiffness, reliability, user-friendliness and all-around ubiquity.
Infinite spindle speeds, everything from "full stop" to "I think it's turning, probably", capable of creating as wide a range of threads as you have taps and dies for, and has nearly-infinite surfacing speeds, depending on how much you let the belt slip.
The innovative cord-mounted power switch contains no expensive and fragile Thyratron tubes, and can run on just two-thirds of 3-phase power. The motor-to-machine ratio puts any of those wimp Pacemakers to shame, and can take a cut measuring in the hundreds of millionths.
However, this is just too much machine for me, so I'm looking to trade. I'll take a 14" Pacemaker straight up or a 10EE if you throw in some cash.
Seriously, though. I've had this for many years, never used it. It's complete and running, but could use a good cleaning, oiling and probably a bit of tweaking here and there. I have no accessories beyond what's shown in the picture. I think I can get it into a Large Flat Rate with a little disassembly, so I can get it anywhere in the US for about $20.
Looking on eBay for similar models without accessories suggests they're worth about $350 to $400, and this one has the semi-rare power feed attachment. Call it $400 plus shipping- sorry, I don't need any trades, I'm trying to declutter.

Yep, the very pinnacle in speed, power, rigidity, precision, accuracy, stiffness, reliability, user-friendliness and all-around ubiquity.
Infinite spindle speeds, everything from "full stop" to "I think it's turning, probably", capable of creating as wide a range of threads as you have taps and dies for, and has nearly-infinite surfacing speeds, depending on how much you let the belt slip.
The innovative cord-mounted power switch contains no expensive and fragile Thyratron tubes, and can run on just two-thirds of 3-phase power. The motor-to-machine ratio puts any of those wimp Pacemakers to shame, and can take a cut measuring in the hundreds of millionths.
However, this is just too much machine for me, so I'm looking to trade. I'll take a 14" Pacemaker straight up or a 10EE if you throw in some cash.

Seriously, though. I've had this for many years, never used it. It's complete and running, but could use a good cleaning, oiling and probably a bit of tweaking here and there. I have no accessories beyond what's shown in the picture. I think I can get it into a Large Flat Rate with a little disassembly, so I can get it anywhere in the US for about $20.
Looking on eBay for similar models without accessories suggests they're worth about $350 to $400, and this one has the semi-rare power feed attachment. Call it $400 plus shipping- sorry, I don't need any trades, I'm trying to declutter.
