SOLD! Does anyone even want this stuff? I want the space back....
(I'll leave this up for a week or so, and then assume no one wants it and send it to the trash...)

Assume that NOTHING is functional! This has been sitting under a workbench, in cool and dry storage, for years. It is stuff that I've accumulated as part of other lots...
Price: Pay the cost of shipping and $25 for me to pack it up and haul it to the Post Office.
(I'll leave this up for a week or so, and then assume no one wants it and send it to the trash...)
Assume that NOTHING is functional! This has been sitting under a workbench, in cool and dry storage, for years. It is stuff that I've accumulated as part of other lots...
Price: Pay the cost of shipping and $25 for me to pack it up and haul it to the Post Office.