I have some gear for sale. I don't play anymore so I'm selling this stuff cheap. All prices are to your door in the US lower 48. I would take $200 for the whole lot.
- APS ASR116 Boar Tactical AEG M4. Comes with 1 battery and smart charger, 1 short and 1 long high caps. $125
- Cybergun 1911A2 replica with 1 standard mag and 1 extended mag $65
- P99 Walther DOA pistol, I disabled blowback on it, but you could easily make that work again if you really wanted. 2 mags $30
- 2 metal mesh face shields $10 each
- Box of APS type 2 sniper parts. It's what's left of an MB-04 rifle. Includes metal trigger box, brass hopup for AEG barrels, 2 magazines, and the upper receiver with piston. Gotta take the whole box. $30
* Mock suppressor 14mm +/- and it says "Smile wait for the flash" $15 SOLD
There's other various goodies I'll throw in with the bigger stuff like loaders, half bags of BBs, stuff like that.
I have some gear for sale. I don't play anymore so I'm selling this stuff cheap. All prices are to your door in the US lower 48. I would take $200 for the whole lot.
- APS ASR116 Boar Tactical AEG M4. Comes with 1 battery and smart charger, 1 short and 1 long high caps. $125
- Cybergun 1911A2 replica with 1 standard mag and 1 extended mag $65
- P99 Walther DOA pistol, I disabled blowback on it, but you could easily make that work again if you really wanted. 2 mags $30
- 2 metal mesh face shields $10 each
- Box of APS type 2 sniper parts. It's what's left of an MB-04 rifle. Includes metal trigger box, brass hopup for AEG barrels, 2 magazines, and the upper receiver with piston. Gotta take the whole box. $30
* Mock suppressor 14mm +/- and it says "Smile wait for the flash" $15 SOLD
There's other various goodies I'll throw in with the bigger stuff like loaders, half bags of BBs, stuff like that.