Hit me up with the shipped price of a 16 oz glass, zip code 17225
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Fresh Honey
BLachance75 your honey hasnt arrived yet as shipping is sluggish right now( im real excited though) . That being said. My reserves are low, and I had to break into this jar Ive been saving. Figured Id share with you to give you ideas.
A local farm here Red Barn Honey Bees. Does limited runs of burbon barrel aged honey. It's spendy too. This jar was $20, but I had to try it. Ive had this jar since mid summer and havent opened it til Monday this week.
Its different, taste slightly fermented if you ask me(not in a bad way). Almost finished exactly like mead on toast. Id say mead is an easy comparison as its boozy honey right? Its super good and adds a totally different taste to natures candy.
So not sure how the mead lovers market is, but you could likely make this or something similar to add to your product line.
Im also a fan of creamed honey it sticks to toast better lol.
Ill be back to give ya an update on your stuff when I get to try it.
That sounds interesting. It is possible that the honey has started fermenting. If the water content is to high when you extract honey then there is a chance that the honey can ferment. Or maybe it is just a flavor that it is picking up from the barrel.
I’ve been meaning to make more creamed honey. I made some a few years ago but it didn’t sell that well because most people didn’t know what it was. I love it on toast or with peanut butter on a sandwich.