Custom mcb avatar 💯
I offer the service to make your own mcarterbrown avatar
1-Post or dm a photo of you or elon musk on a non crowded background
2-After approval you will receive a paypal addy to pay 5$
3-In 48h you will receive your mcb avatar
*Supreme name tag for an additional 20$, just a tag added to pay rent. I may offer discount in future sales to those who went the extra mile to support my art.
Exemple here.
I offer the service to make your own mcarterbrown avatar
1-Post or dm a photo of you or elon musk on a non crowded background
2-After approval you will receive a paypal addy to pay 5$
3-In 48h you will receive your mcb avatar
*Supreme name tag for an additional 20$, just a tag added to pay rent. I may offer discount in future sales to those who went the extra mile to support my art.
Exemple here.