I want an autococker body that is:
One of my long standing projects is my Eblade autococker. It's still not done, and I've let it fester for so long. This body is one of two pieces left to the puzzle, and the other is getting my Xonik frame mod'd to accept an Ego 6 button pad. That second one is not technically necessary to get it on the field, so let's start with this body. I might have to give up on this already existing and just have one mod'd to my specs and then get it reannod on top of that.
- midblock (not halfblocked)
- empire spec low rise feedneck
- drilled for eyes
- mini or not, either is fine. I prefer full length
- in decent (not necessarily perfect) condition, lightweight, and meant to be played with. No death spikes as a result of the midblock and no rectangular bricks.
- internals are not needed, but if they're good I may want to buy them anyway.
One of my long standing projects is my Eblade autococker. It's still not done, and I've let it fester for so long. This body is one of two pieces left to the puzzle, and the other is getting my Xonik frame mod'd to accept an Ego 6 button pad. That second one is not technically necessary to get it on the field, so let's start with this body. I might have to give up on this already existing and just have one mod'd to my specs and then get it reannod on top of that.