Hello, hoping that anyone has a Viking they'd be willing to part with. Looking for 03-04 models with eyes. Does not need to be functioning perfectly. Looking to pay around $800 for good used condition, will go up to $2k+ for the right milling/anno. This will be seeing a lot of field time and won't be a wall hanger for me. Reach out and let's work something out! Thanks!
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WTB: AKA Viking (03-04)
You're better off hitting up the AKA fb group. You might be able to entice a marker out with your range, but people are sitting on vikings and excals now a days. I'll warn you there have been tons of offers, but very little to no markers available. An 04 unmilled brick is on ebay rn, but it's wayyyyyy over what the realistic price should be since no one is milling them anymore.