I saw we had this section for "Airsmiths on MCB", and one day, it struck me like a wet sock: I'm an Airsmith on MCB! 
What better way, I thought, to pander to my favorite group of stockers, strokers, pumpers and general mayo-eaters than show you photos of of the nitty-gritty sausage-making end of things!
I can't show you everything- I signed an NDA with the underage Vietnamese sweatshop kids- and of course I won't have time to post each and every part, mod or job, but as regular readers of the Tinker's Guild know, I'm pretty regularly coming up with something interesting to see.
Current works are geared a little more towards getting my actual manufacturing up and running, than the individual custom guns. I have several of those in the works, too, but I also have a lot of parts that need to be fed through some expensive and haven't-yet-started-paying-for-themselves CNC machines, so I try to fit in what I can, as time and schedules allow.
The first two things to light us off: Towards the end of last year, I had an order for some of my Delrin Splatmaster Speedwheels. I've been making these for quite a while, but they only tend to trickle out the door- Splatties, as you might imagine, aren't exactly the hot n' happenin' new marker.
The order would have taken most of my existing inventory, so I got out the chainsaw, hoof-rasp and wood chisels, and made a fresh batch:
I made enough to fill the order- for six- and another 25 for my inventory. (Which is about a three-year supply.

The other was I got some last-minute orders for my aluminum VM-68 side plates. Those, too, only occasionally trickle out the door, but I got three orders in the space of a couple of days. Presumably somebody posted them on the FB VM board or something.
Unfortunately, as I had them both in my online store and on eBay, my count was off, and I had to refund the last one- which was a prominent MCB'er.
I was just getting ready to send another batch of various parts in for anodizing, so I picked up some material, and whipped up another batch.

Those and some other bits are off at the anno shop as we speak, and with a little luck, I'll have them back in a couple of weeks.
The two sets of "blems", by the way, I didn't send off. The "blemish" is mainly slightly misdrilled screw holes. Doesn't affect installation or use, and can't be seen when installed, but I still wasn't going to sell them as new. if anyone's interested in those- maybe with a little custom milling or polishing to match your custom VM, just let me know.
And stand by, more cool stuff is (hopefully) on the way!

What better way, I thought, to pander to my favorite group of stockers, strokers, pumpers and general mayo-eaters than show you photos of of the nitty-gritty sausage-making end of things!

I can't show you everything- I signed an NDA with the underage Vietnamese sweatshop kids- and of course I won't have time to post each and every part, mod or job, but as regular readers of the Tinker's Guild know, I'm pretty regularly coming up with something interesting to see.
Current works are geared a little more towards getting my actual manufacturing up and running, than the individual custom guns. I have several of those in the works, too, but I also have a lot of parts that need to be fed through some expensive and haven't-yet-started-paying-for-themselves CNC machines, so I try to fit in what I can, as time and schedules allow.
The first two things to light us off: Towards the end of last year, I had an order for some of my Delrin Splatmaster Speedwheels. I've been making these for quite a while, but they only tend to trickle out the door- Splatties, as you might imagine, aren't exactly the hot n' happenin' new marker.

The order would have taken most of my existing inventory, so I got out the chainsaw, hoof-rasp and wood chisels, and made a fresh batch:
I made enough to fill the order- for six- and another 25 for my inventory. (Which is about a three-year supply.

The other was I got some last-minute orders for my aluminum VM-68 side plates. Those, too, only occasionally trickle out the door, but I got three orders in the space of a couple of days. Presumably somebody posted them on the FB VM board or something.
Unfortunately, as I had them both in my online store and on eBay, my count was off, and I had to refund the last one- which was a prominent MCB'er.
I was just getting ready to send another batch of various parts in for anodizing, so I picked up some material, and whipped up another batch.

Those and some other bits are off at the anno shop as we speak, and with a little luck, I'll have them back in a couple of weeks.
The two sets of "blems", by the way, I didn't send off. The "blemish" is mainly slightly misdrilled screw holes. Doesn't affect installation or use, and can't be seen when installed, but I still wasn't going to sell them as new. if anyone's interested in those- maybe with a little custom milling or polishing to match your custom VM, just let me know.
And stand by, more cool stuff is (hopefully) on the way!