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Inside Doc's Machine Shop

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    Finally got some parts in to get a couple of small tasks done. And it all started with a bag o' buttonz!

    The first project was to finally replace the failing collet open and close buttons on the Omniturn. Longtime readers may recall the "close" button failed entirely on me a year or so ago, and I band-aided that with a momentary lever switch. That's been working fine ever since, but it's not really oil or water proof (and I flick it with a chronically oily glove when using the machine) and the "open" button was known to be in similarly poor shape.

    So, I cracked open the control pod...

    And got ready for the swap. Note how there's a couple of plastic blocks supporting the left (top) button. The retainers on the switch body are cracked, so I'm guessing somebody threw that block in there to band-aid it at some point before I got the machine.

    The only hiccup in this process, was the connectors crimped to the wires, were slightly too wide to fit the terminals of the new switches. I bodged that by carefully snipping a little off the outside of each fork. (They're coated soft brass.)

    After a few minutes of finagling, everything was back in place.

    I did get a new E-stop button, too (the middle, red one) and I'll be replacing that, too- note the red zip tie holding it together, another leftover from a previous owner. I wanted to make sure the collet buttons worked, first.

    And, well, buttoned back up!

    Quick and easy. I've been working this thing pretty hard, and hope to get a lot more out of it shortly, so best to keep up on this kind of thing.

    The other job was my indexer. It's an early Haas digital indexer- the product that started Haas off, at the beginning- consisting of a rotary work head, and a small programmable controller to run it. The controller can be operated by a CNC's own controller- the CNC telling it when to rotate the part- or manually, so you can run it on a Bridgeport or something.

    When I first got it, I was jumping into a couple of product runs using the manual mills, so I whipped up a quick and dirty handheld pushbutton dongle thing, just to get through the job.

    It did the job, and I've been using it extensively for a couple of years now, but I have more work coming up for it, and... well, it kind of offends my sensibilities.

    It's just a chunk of wooden dowel, some old speaker wire, a cheap Radio Shack pushbutton, and all dolled up with some yellow electrical tape.

    I've been thinking about it for a while, and as I've had to place orders here and there, I picked up a few extra parts. To get started, I found an ideal leftover hunk of 1" black delrin in the rolling cutoffs bin under the lathe.

    That got drilled...


    and test-fitted for a strain relief.

    For the button, I picked up a stainless steel automotive momentary, often used for horn buttons or engine-start in custom cars. Has a nice "clicky" feel, and is supposedly waterproof.

    Unfortunately, it's also a metric thread, a 1.0 pitch, and I have no suitable tap to match it. I technically have metric interpolation gears for the Sheldon, or could set up either of the CNC lathes to cut it, but who has time for that?

    According to a pitch gauge, 1.0 is very close to a 24 TPI- so I overbored the hole slightly, and kept cutting the threads 'til the switch more or less fit.

    When it came time for final assembly, I connected the cord to the switch, and using a collet block with an old soft collet that by luck had been machined to about the right size, I was able to screw the switch, with it's O-ring, into the handle fairly snugly.

    Slide on the strain relief and screw it into place...

    And Voilá! One momentary-pushbutton handpiece.

    Now, I wanted a fairly heavy cable, to withstand use and abuse, but unfortunately, this won't fit in the Amphenol type connector that fits the control box. I've looked around online, and can't find one that does- they're all like the one I have, which might take a 3/16" cable (5mm or so) and the cable I have is closer to 8mm.

    The closest I can find on an image search is this one, which is out of stock, and in Germany.

    I ordered one, that looks like it'll work- I have no part numbers to cross reference- but if it doesn't, if anyone could dig up a supplier that has one in stock, will accept a larger cable, and maybe even gives some dimensions I can compare, I'd appreciate it.

    Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services: Creating the Strange and Wonderful since 1998!
    The Whiteboard: Daily, occasionally paintball-related webcomic mayhem!
    Paintball in the Movies!


      Progress! Today's tableful*:

      Now, that's not today's production. To be honest, some of these parts have been sitting on my floor half-finished for... well, way too long. Most of it I started dusting back off around Thanksgiving, and I've been cranking handfuls here and there as I've had time. Its one of those cases where the whole task only took a number of hours, but those hours were spread out over months.

      Yeah, this one-man-bandery thing ain't all it's cracked up to be.

      BUT... irregardless**, they're finally done. I have a few more out in the shop that just need to be buffed, and these puppies will get boxed up and shipped off- finally!


      (*All the available flat spots in the shop are covered in foot-high piles of crap. Had to use the kitchen table. )

      (**Yes, I know. )​
      Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services: Creating the Strange and Wonderful since 1998!
      The Whiteboard: Daily, occasionally paintball-related webcomic mayhem!
      Paintball in the Movies!


      • Cal440


        Editing a comment
        Lot of good stuff there Doc, just wondering what?

      All work and no play, as the saying goes, makes Jack a dull boy. And lemme tell ya, folks, Jack has been a dull boy indeed.

      On the plus side, it warmed up this week, getting into the low forties, and one thing I've been champing at the bit to do, is clean up and paint some of these new (to me) lathe parts. That tends to involve stripping paint and pressure-washing them clean, especially if, like these, the parts have multiple layers of paint which are peeling not only off each other but off the base metal as well.

      So I got some better stripper (still not as good as the good stuff) and stripped and hosed the first two parts a couple of times. The L-shaped bit is a tool-tray spar that bolts at the tailstock end of the bed, and the other is a threading dial.

      The spar played stubborn, I think at least one layer of paint may have been an epoxy, or possibly a lacquer, as the stripper barely touched it. I had to help things along with some manual scraping, as well as the pressure-washing.

      Still not 100% stripped, but I ran out of daylight before I was done.

      The threading dial came out nicely, though, needing only a few touch-ups with a razor blade scraper. Note that thumbscrew, we'll be coming back to that in a moment.

      Now, this is a simple setup, and assembles pretty much the same way most other threading dials do. The gear that engages the leadscrew is simply pinned to the shaft...

      And with that removed, the shaft and dial simply slide out.

      After that, the shaft housing slides out of the mounting body, and that's it. Some cleaning and painting, and it can go right back together.

      The dial, interestingly enough, is cast bronze- an unusual use of the material given the wartime controls on the use of such strategic materials when this lathe was made. Years ago, when rebuilding the lathe itself, I noted a few other pieces were made of bronze, when cast iron would have worked just as well, but speculated that perhaps Springfield already had a large stock of the parts, already cast and machined, from prior to the war. And that said stock was small enough (Springfield was not a huge manufacturer on the level of Monarch or Leblond) that perhaps it was determined the already-made parts were more valuable than the relatively small amount of the metal.

      100% speculation, of course, but still an interesting ponderable.

      Now, here's a bit of a puzzler: That thumbscrew? When I first picked up these parts, I assumed that thumbscrew, when loosened, allowed one to "clock" the hashmark for the dial, to wherever the operator preferred it. 9 O'clock, 12 O'clock, 3 O'clock, etc. Or possibly adjust it to line up when "picking up" an existing thread.

      It's not a feature I've seen before, but I'm hardly an expert on a wide range of lathes.

      However... that thumbscrew sockets into this drilled spot on the shaft housing:

      And, on the other side, there's this key that fits into a keyway in the mounting casting.

      Okay, I can see the castings wanting/needing to be firmly attached... but why the thumbscrew? A normal setscrew would seem more appropriate, or even a short bolt.

      Either the setscrew or bolt was lost at some point, and some wag just threw the thumbscrew in there simply because he had it... or the castings were originally intended to rotate, but at some point somebody got annoyed with that, and keyed it.

      I was thinking the former was more likely... except note the orientation of the numbers on the dial. They're upright at the top of the disc. Here's a pic of how I found the dial on the parts machine:

      That cast-in point? That's the 'hashmark' you line the dial up with, in order to engage the halfnuts. Given the orientation of the numbers on the dial, one would presume the hashmark would go at the top...

      Was it originally adjustable, and some operator decades ago maybe got mad that somebody on one of the other shifts kept moving it, and so drilled and keyed it?

      The world may never know.

      Last, I found my old paint! I knew I had a bit of the 'dark grey' left that I'd used on the big Turret lathe, and managed to find it- and an even older can I'd used on the Springfield itself.

      The newest if the two being closing in on five years old at this point.

      I had to chisel through a thick dried top layer, and there was some still liquid paint left in each. That I poured through a filter into a spare glass dip jar.

      It's probably still good, though I ought to add a touch of thinner to it, and I'm not so picky if the color isn't an exact matching shade, I'd get annoyed. On the other hand, this won't be anywhere near enough to do all the pieces I have, including the big taper attachment and the steady rest. I might be better off just tossing this- or using it on something unrelated- and getting a fresh can. It'll probably be months closer to summer before I get to the taper and steady, but the new can won't go bad that quickly...

      Anybody used years-old paint? How'd it work out?

      Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services: Creating the Strange and Wonderful since 1998!
      The Whiteboard: Daily, occasionally paintball-related webcomic mayhem!
      Paintball in the Movies!


        And that's one thing- finally- off the To-Do list!

        The connectors for the pushbutton handpiece came in today, so after the day's projects were done, I popped one onto the other end of the cable.

        I wish the connector had a better strain relief, but it ought to last if I'm careful.

        Did it work? Of course it did!

        Nice solid handgrip, nice clicky button... looks slightly more professional than a chunk of stick wrapped in electrical tape...

        That's one I can mark off the list as 'done'... just a mere 634 or so to go!

        Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services: Creating the Strange and Wonderful since 1998!
        The Whiteboard: Daily, occasionally paintball-related webcomic mayhem!
        Paintball in the Movies!


          Warmed back up today- a little- so I was able to finish scrubbing and degreasing the big iron spar, making it pretty much ready for paint.

          Once it had a chance to dry thoroughly, I hung it up outside and gave it two coats of self-etching primer.

          While that was curing (back inside where it's warm) I got the two castings for the threading dial cleaned fully cleaned and also degreased.

          I also took the dial, and faced off the gear end of the shaft, which was still basically a rough saw cut.

          Apparently they were trying to save a little time during the war...

          Threw a 7/16" collet in the Rivett and used that to burnish the shaft itself with some 1000-grit and a touch of WD 40, just to be sure it's clean and free of burrs.

          Then I reversed it and used the same paper to lightly burnish the raised parts of the lettering on the dial, as well as the end of the shaft.

          Once everything was ready, I threw a capful of thinner in the jar of paint, stirred it well, and gave everything a first coat.

          Both castings for the threading dial, both parts of the carriage stop (which I cleaned up some weeks ago) a little cover plate that goes on the carriage where the dial bolts on, the big spar, of course, and the tailstock clamping bar.

          As per long-established procedure, I'll give those a second coat tomorrow, and they'll be good and dry on Monday.

          The dial I can throw right back together, and hoping to give that a try. The carriage stop needs to have a couple new pieces made, first, so that'll have to wait 'til I have more time later. I'll bolt the spar into place just to get it out of the way, though I have to admit I'm not 100% sure what I'm going to do for a tool tray yet.

          Oh, and I dunked the infamous thumbscrew into a dab of Evaporust:

          I'll scrub that up in the morning, though the face is pretty heavily pitted. I may wind up leaving it off and just using a plain setscrew or short bolt.

          Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services: Creating the Strange and Wonderful since 1998!
          The Whiteboard: Daily, occasionally paintball-related webcomic mayhem!
          Paintball in the Movies!


            I have baskets full of tooling for these machines, and I still have to make or modify something almost every time I gear up for a new part.

            Today's tidbit- vaguely related to a customer order- is small bits turned from a long bar. Generally speaking, I can run bars about 32" long in the Omni (limited by the proximity of the adjacent machine ) But when running thin rod that long, you need a spindle liner- a tube that goes into the spindle to make the bore smaller, so the rod doesn't "whip" and cause vibration.

            I don't have any for this machine, so I opted to cut the material I had into somewhat shorter bits, and came up with this idea: It's a chunk of white Delrin, bored to closely match the stock, and threaded to screw into the collet.

            Basically it's a short spindle liner, that'll keep the rod from whipping around eccentrically.

            The other mod was I needed to cut down a parting tool, to have enough clearance for the tool above it.

            Like so (that's it under the pile of brass shavings. )

            Usually I put the parting tool at the top of the tool plate, but I'll be making a bunch of these parts (in a couple different flavors) and I wanted to add a catch bin below the tool. That way I don't have to chase teeny parts all through the machine enclosure. It's not so important on these brass parts, as I don't need to run the cutting oil- but when I switch to aluminum, I will. So the bin will need drains, or to be made out of mesh, etc.- as well as easy to remove and clean out the piles of random chips, etc.

            An alternate idea I was thinking of was just a chute, that the part rolls down to a basket in the floor of the machine, maybe held in place with a magnet.

            Also trying to think of a 'universal' kit- not one that will only work with the current parts.

            Anyway, after wasting a few parts' worth of material getting the program dialed in, I was able to get a small trayful made, before it was time to bag it for the night. (Meaning about 10:30. )

            I'll run the rest in the next few days, and the parts still need some finishing work, buffing and tumbling, but if course I assembled a few for fitting and testing:

            Yep, solid brass 'Cocker detents for those of you doing the 'nostalgia build' thing. A customer ordered a small batch, and as soon as these are done, I'll be offering them up to you lot as well.

            Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services: Creating the Strange and Wonderful since 1998!
            The Whiteboard: Daily, occasionally paintball-related webcomic mayhem!
            Paintball in the Movies!


              With the parts finally dry enough to handle, naturally I couldn't restrain myself from assembling things. Old Iron Disease is a sickness, kids.

              The thumbscrew came out of the Evaporust pretty clean, though as previously reported the face was pretty badly pitted. I scuffed it a bit with some sandpaper, and it's not too bad. Why not use it?

              As per established procedure, the first order of business was to clean the slop-over paint off the places where paint wasn't supposed to be, a task easy enough with a single-edge razor and a dab or two of solvent.

              The two parts of the dial assembly slide together easily- I'm not going to try rotating anything just yet- and the dial itself, suitably lubed, slides in as well.

              The the gear gets lightly tapped back into place, and the pin reinstalled. And... that's pretty much it. These things ain't that complicated.

              Here's the carriage as it was- the aluminum plate covers an access hole to the inner workings. It was missing when I got the machine, so I fabbed my own. You can see the two holes where the dial attaches, too.

              And there we go. The assembled threading dial, an original (and also freshly-painted) cover, and even the original screws.

              Haven't had a chance to try it yet, as I have a small job set up in the machine at the moment. As soon as I have a chance to finish that, I'll chuck up a bar of random stock and try cutting a few threads- for the first time since I acquired this machine... twelve years ago.

              I also cleaned up and assembled the two casting halves of the carriage stop. That will need a couple of new parts made from scratch- the originals are too badly damaged- so for the time being I just clamped it to the bed next to the replacement I'd fitted all those years ago. (I think it's off a big Mori-Seki.)

              And, as soon as the bolts are done in the Evaporust, I can bolt the tool-tray spar in place, too. Again, no actual tray yet, but also again, just to store it out of the way.

              Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services: Creating the Strange and Wonderful since 1998!
              The Whiteboard: Daily, occasionally paintball-related webcomic mayhem!
              Paintball in the Movies!


              • netsurferdude2


                Editing a comment
                That thread dial is so cool.

              Ah ha! See where stupid assumptions get you?

              A couple of readers suggested the thumbscrew bit was to disengage the gear from the leadscrew. I didn't think that was the case, as the sliding travel of the upper portion wasn't enough to fully clear the gear- nor did it work in the way I've seen other dials disengage, which is typically swinging the whole assembly away from the leadscrew.

              Once I had the whole mess assembled and in place, the upper dial section could be slid up and down, but it only went from fully engaged to partially engaged. There wasn't enough travel to fully disconnect the two. At that point I started assuming the thumbscrew was an adjustment, to lock the sliding portion into the "best" engagement.

              That is, 'til I tried it in the full-up position:

              At which point the thumbscrew fully seated in that drilled spot on the shank, which clearly showed that was it's "proper position". Checking the gear, it was fully engaged with the leadscrew- and all the way down only about a quarter of the gear is engaged.

              So, full up, with the setscrew seated in that divot, is "in use", with the dial turning in relation to the leadscrew, as it's supposed to. Full down, with the thumbscrew simply holding it there, is supposed to be "disengaged", so the dial doesn't turn- and wear- when it's not needed.

              That mystery settled! But, it leads to a new problem: The brass/bronze gear doesn't disengage. It almost does, but the upper edge still makes contact with the screw.

              Now, see that extra length of the shaft? I'm suspecting the gear was supposed to be pinned lower on said shaft, which would allow it to fully release from the leadscrew. That would create a gap at the top, between the gear and the sliding casting, which means there's either supposed to be a spacer there, or somebody installed the gear upside-down. There's only the one pin hole in the gear shaft, so if that gear is upside down, it was done that way at the factory- or possibly the shaft and gear had to be replaced at some point. And whoever did the work didn't know (as I didn't) about the "disconnect" feature.

              I didn't have much time to fool with it this evening, but if I get a chance tomorrow, I may try flipping the gear over- maybe remachining it for a set screw rather than that taper pin. (As I don't have a pin reamer that small.) That extra spacing should allow it to disconnect from the screw, and still allow it to engage enough to work, when raised.

              It may take me a while, and I may make a few mistakes along the way, but I can usually figure these things out... eventually.

              Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services: Creating the Strange and Wonderful since 1998!
              The Whiteboard: Daily, occasionally paintball-related webcomic mayhem!
              Paintball in the Movies!


                Out of the frying pan and into the... thing wrapped in an enigma, I guess.

                As noted, it just took a couple moments to drill and tap the gear for a setscrew...

                Which, with the gear installed "upside down" (at least, compared to when I got the unit) did indeed allow the gear to clear the leadscrew nicely, and still engage it when the slider is raised.

                BUT... that reveals a new problem. When said gear IS engaged in the leadscrew, it tries to push said screw inward. The gear, therefore, is too large- it's putting a nontrivial amount of pressure on the leadscrew when in operation.

                Now, the screw, being an eight-foot-long bar, has a little give to it in the middle of the bed where the carriage currently is, but up closer to the gearbox supports... yeah, that's gonna damage something. (Kind of hard to tell from this pic, but the leadscrew moves noticeably inward when the slider is raised. Several mm at least.)

                And that helps explain the wear on the gear that I'd noticed earlier:

                Which I'd assumed- there's that word again- was simply age and use, considering the machine had been made in WW2, and had been used at a military base for many decades.

                And... it's interesting to note that when the gear is teeth-up, as it came, when the sliding portion is raised, and the gear hits that 'step' in the shroud casting....

                ... The thumbscrew falls right into place in the divot that had been drilled for it. With it in what we're now presuming is "right side up" (as shown above) the slider can raise past the divot since the collar of the gear is smaller and so doesn't hit that step, meaning you have to fiddle with it to get the thumbscrew to tighten into place.

                New, revised theory? Somebody in the latter years, replaced the gear, and probably the shaft. He cut the gear either based off of tricky in-place measurements (and possibly on a worn part of the leadscrew) or had to 'extrapolate' off a badly-worn or damaged original gear. Or, they bought an off-the shelf gear, which is perhaps the most likely, and fitted it to a new shaft.

                Regardless of the origin- it's not impossible it came from the factory this way- it needs to be fixed. Which means either I need to buy or machine yet another gear, or very carefully set this gear up and cut the teeth a smidge shallower.

                Not undoable, but will have to wait. My plates are pretty full at the moment, and I've already spent more time than I should have on it. (Because, of course, I thought it was a simple scrub-and-paint job. )

                Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services: Creating the Strange and Wonderful since 1998!
                The Whiteboard: Daily, occasionally paintball-related webcomic mayhem!
                Paintball in the Movies!


                  Latest video: Making ball detents in the turning center:

                  As noted earlier, I made a run of brass 'Cocker detents, but the main reason I tooled up the machine was to do a good sized batch of early-gen Angel detents. Petty sure I'm the only one still making those, and I ran out of my previous batch. And, due to my world-renowned poor planning and world-class procrastination, I wasn't able to get a fresh batch going before I sold out.

                  No worries, new ones are on the way!

                  Doc's Machine & Airsmith Services: Creating the Strange and Wonderful since 1998!
                  The Whiteboard: Daily, occasionally paintball-related webcomic mayhem!
                  Paintball in the Movies!


                  • Cal440


                    Editing a comment
                    Great video, always interesting to see how things are made. Thanks for posting them.