Originally posted by KMDPB
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Big Iron rides again!
I would put a reverse feed on it so it’s rock back barrel up cowboy style. Like a cool brass cram and jam. You could run cut down 10 rounders like a 6 shooter.
It'll be a rock back feed... If you take out the follower and springWhen you cock the thing the natural tendency, mine anyway, is to let the nose dip when you reach for the hammer. I think the springfeed will be the way to go. I want to make using these things as effortless as possible.
Hell, based on that shooting vid, I'd even rock it as a single shot
Which crosman valve are you using? I've wondered if the valves for the 2240 etc could flow enough to fire a paintball at a useable velocity.
Same here ... Even happy to get a pile of unfinished parts 😁
if you got a spare frame 🙄Love my brass ... Love my SSR ... Hard choices ...
XEMON's phantom double sided feed
Keep your ATS going: Project rATS 2.0
My Feedback
I'm still haunted by the siren song of a single action .68
JeeperCreeper has a clip-on feed tube that he developed for his single shot brass (see pics and thread https://www.mcarterbrown.com/forum/p...s-brass-thread ) It seems like that could be a solid spring-feed design.2 Photos
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