So recently my brother came across a free spyder xtra and I've had an old one that needs a rebuild that I've had sitting for a while, do I've decided that I'm going to attempt to do a pump conversion on one or both. I've done my research on what to do and have a pretty solid game plan on what to do but I have a few questions cause my knowledge on markers besides automags is almost non existant
So Part 1 Valve Questions :
When it comes to the valve/valvestem and cupseal will any 11/16 cocker valve work? I know in the past people have Trilogy valves or they've used jb weld and sand/polish it down the existing spyder one. Also has anyone ever attempted to use an azodin kp3 valve I was googling around and saw that ans sells them fairly cheap(I never owned an azodin kp3 so idk the valve size)
Part 2 Volumizer Questions:
Between the old spyder and the spyder Xtra the older style has a volumizer while the newer style doesn't, I assumed that's cause the switch from co2 to hpa, if I'm right and I'm running hpa is the volumizer necessary on the old one? I was thinking of using an over the barrel pump kit and plugging the old spyder's volumizer so it wouldn't get in the way.
Part 3 Regulator Questions:
Do I need one? Or will I be fine as is? If I remember correctly most spyder Ive seen never really had them. If I do need one what should I look into?
I guess for now that's all I can think of right now
Thanks in advance for any input.
So Part 1 Valve Questions :
When it comes to the valve/valvestem and cupseal will any 11/16 cocker valve work? I know in the past people have Trilogy valves or they've used jb weld and sand/polish it down the existing spyder one. Also has anyone ever attempted to use an azodin kp3 valve I was googling around and saw that ans sells them fairly cheap(I never owned an azodin kp3 so idk the valve size)
Part 2 Volumizer Questions:
Between the old spyder and the spyder Xtra the older style has a volumizer while the newer style doesn't, I assumed that's cause the switch from co2 to hpa, if I'm right and I'm running hpa is the volumizer necessary on the old one? I was thinking of using an over the barrel pump kit and plugging the old spyder's volumizer so it wouldn't get in the way.
Part 3 Regulator Questions:
Do I need one? Or will I be fine as is? If I remember correctly most spyder Ive seen never really had them. If I do need one what should I look into?
I guess for now that's all I can think of right now
Thanks in advance for any input.