So I've had this Eye force sitting around with a bad board, and a good Z board from a broken Egg, so why not turn 2 pieces of junk into one piece of junk that works. So I started by doing a little cutting to fit the board in and be able to reach the switch, which didn't take too much. The board fits in tight with the battery holding one corner and the eyes around the feedneck. Now I just need to get some 9v connectors to hook up the batteries and make an extension for the toggle switch, and it's done.
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VL Eye force mod
Originally posted by halOSX View Postawesome. i have an old jt force that i have no idea what to do with. any ideas?
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If you can pick up a y or z board cheap it might be worth it to try this mod. I should note that one of the main screws that holds the top and bottom together is blocked by the board and that's exactly where I drilled the hole for the switch. Im sure you could use your old Force switch and do less cutting and drilling for the board to fit if you are good at soldering, but mine was toast anyway. I did this more for fun and now I have a backup hopper.