Hello MCB,
I recently got Der Cockermaker as a "not quite done but working" project gun.
The first part of the build has been documented, so I thought i would carry the torch ...
Rainmaker build thread: POP Contest - Rainmaker's entry
Here is how i received the marker:

There are a few thing i would like to do before considering it "done":
- make it simpler to take the back block off
- replace the board with a Morlok
- Ill find something ...
The board replacement would allow me to accomplish a few things. First i would be able to adjust dwell, which is not currently available on the RM board, then i would be able to add eyes, which the body is drilled for. I would stuff all this inside an electro frame (preferably blue) for good measure ...
Thanks for watching,
I recently got Der Cockermaker as a "not quite done but working" project gun.
The first part of the build has been documented, so I thought i would carry the torch ...
Rainmaker build thread: POP Contest - Rainmaker's entry
Here is how i received the marker:

There are a few thing i would like to do before considering it "done":
- make it simpler to take the back block off
- replace the board with a Morlok
- Ill find something ...
The board replacement would allow me to accomplish a few things. First i would be able to adjust dwell, which is not currently available on the RM board, then i would be able to add eyes, which the body is drilled for. I would stuff all this inside an electro frame (preferably blue) for good measure ...
Thanks for watching,