I'm looking for someone to custom print me some 6 sided dice. Specifically the combat time from the old Hero Quest game. 3 sides had skulls on them, 2 sides with shields, and 1 side with a "Black shield" that actually looked more like a snake or something with fangs/saber tooth. I'd be looking for a few of them. I see that some people on Shapeways and Etsy 3d print them. I'd rather give you guys my money if you want to do it.

Layout of the dice compared to a traditional d6 is:
1 - skull
2 - skull
3 - skull
4 - Shield
5 - Shield
6 - Black Skull

Layout of the dice compared to a traditional d6 is:
1 - skull
2 - skull
3 - skull
4 - Shield
5 - Shield
6 - Black Skull