Has anyone done any work for paintball equipment with resin printers?
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Resin printers and paintball
Lordkyleofearth was making some of the parts for his ATS mags with a resin printer.
JonM I think that as far as impact resistance goes, yeah you are probably right. But there are some applications that might benefit from the fine detail. Or if you want to print something solid, then the durability might not be an issue.Rainmaker's feedback: https://www.mcarterbrown.com/forum/b...maker-feedback
I've got a Form 2 and Form 3 at work, and their are many different materials to choose from. Some are "tough" and some are high detail, but fragile. I have one that is like tpu, very flexible. I also have one that is heat resistant, more so than anything you can get on an FDM printer.
What parts do you have in mind?
The quality of prints produced by filament printers is acceptable for most paintball applications, so I don't expect resin prints will displace them any time soon. Current filament materials have a lot of advantages when it comes to temperature resistance and impact resistance, which are important for what we're using the equipment for. But as more development is put into new resins, I expect that they'll catch up in terms of material properties. Though I've never tried some of the tough resins, I hear they're comparable or better to PLA and PETG.
For small components, resin printers have some good applications. Trigger components in particular would benefit from having some fine features on the print - the Etha 2 trigger mod I use would probably benefit from that. I also like resin prints for small retainer components for electronics and things like that.