But the catch first: this is regional to Pittsburgh, eastern Ohio, and one location in South Carolina.
There is a fairly new company in the Pittsburgh area that buys returned/open box/damaged items from big places like Amazon, Walmart, Home Depot, etc and auctions them off similar to ebay. The company is called Mac Discount and the website is Mac.bid
They have several warehouses around Pittsburgh, one in Boardman, Ohio and one in South Carolina.
Since my wife and I learned about it, it’s been like crack to us, lol. But seriously we got all new baby things (2 car seats and a base, bouncy seat, and swing) that were all new but the boxes were rough. We paid less than half or significantly less than half retail price for all of it. We had scored a new $140 sewing machine table for $13 and change… no joke.
Several other things we won were used, mis-labeled and wrong, and in one case severely used/returned. Yet we haven’t lost any money yet because everything we won, we use or were needing. If it didn’t work correctly I fixed it. Like the heavy used/returned compact washing machine.
Now onto the good stuff.
I bought my Ender 3 V2 for 30% off from Creality on Thanksgiving Day. Pretty good deal huh? I love this thing and I learned a ton about printing and the machines. This had allowed me to do what comes next…
Since March, I’ve bought:
~$50 Laser engraver (mislabeled as printer missing parts - used no issues - retail $240)
~$100 Voxelab Aquila (used- hot end packed with melted filament - $0 to repair - Retail $200)
~ $50 EasythreeD K1 “kids printer” (used - no issues - retail $90)
~ $40 Creality CR-100 “kids printer” (used - no issues - retail $160 when they were made)
~ $260 FLSun Super Racer - (used - nozzle clogged and extruder jammed - $0 repair - retail $500)
So if any of you happen to be within driving distance of the warehouses (and in most cases they transfer between warehouses except SC) take advantage of some potential deals. This is getting much more popular but with some patience, attention, knowledge, and luck you can get some sweet stuff cheap!