With some curiosity and a spark of motivation Dr.Spoolz96, I had to see if it could be done. Barrel made out of wood you say? Ran through many different renditions in my head. A decent solution floated to the top. Cosmetic in every sense of the word, I could not leave it alone. I know this is not my idea but without further Adu. The wooden barrel..
Big thanks to Jordan Walker and DocsMachine. You guys are my inspiration to push the limits.
Much thanks to you all for the kind words and support. If anyone is interested, I'm considering doing something like build to order. Within reason.
Shoot me a pm if you would like to work together on one.
Big thanks to Jordan Walker and DocsMachine. You guys are my inspiration to push the limits.
Much thanks to you all for the kind words and support. If anyone is interested, I'm considering doing something like build to order. Within reason.
