I recently picked up a 05 pro stock that was in questionable shape; had idiot marks all over the reg and gummy seals throughout.
I'd always been interested in trying diy plating or ano at home and figured the reg was a good a test as any as it needed a rebuild. I followed the typical steps:
Here are the results, any tips are appreciated. I originally wanted to do black with green splash but I could not get the black dye to adhere. I'm guessing I either dipped into the green a little too hot (thermometer was around 140-150F when I dipped) or the Clorox bleach-based bathroom cleaner I used to strip the green (my pure bleach was old and inert when I opened it so I had to improvise) contaminated the ano layer with a surfactant or other chemical which preventing the black dye from adhering. I did try to rinse in degreaser and distilled water again but no joy.
In all, I'm about 90% satisfied; the gouges are gone and the green splash on raw aluminum looks pretty good but won't really match the sage & black scheme of the prostock. If I do it again I would definitely 1) get new bleach ,2) order some specialty ano dye or at least a sage color green Rit dye to more closely color match, 3) spend a little more time on the surface finish (maybe buy a bench buffer/wire wheel), 4) remember to take better before pics so I can feel better about the finished product
. Thank for passing through and any tricks&tips are appreciated.

Intermediate Steps:

I'd always been interested in trying diy plating or ano at home and figured the reg was a good a test as any as it needed a rebuild. I followed the typical steps:
- Used small files and sanding drums on dremel to remove gouges.
- de-ano'd in a lye mix (2 tsp for 1 quart of DI water),
- buffed with a 180 scotchbrite wheel on a dremel
- degreased with simple green, re-etched for 1-2 minutes in lye
- de-smut in sulfuric acid (nitric was recommended but the battery acid was all i had)
- ano'd @ 2amps for 1.5 hours before dipping in dye (lead strip anode, ~10-15% sulfuric acid dilution)
- dipped in Rit dye @ 140F for about 10 minutes
Here are the results, any tips are appreciated. I originally wanted to do black with green splash but I could not get the black dye to adhere. I'm guessing I either dipped into the green a little too hot (thermometer was around 140-150F when I dipped) or the Clorox bleach-based bathroom cleaner I used to strip the green (my pure bleach was old and inert when I opened it so I had to improvise) contaminated the ano layer with a surfactant or other chemical which preventing the black dye from adhering. I did try to rinse in degreaser and distilled water again but no joy.
In all, I'm about 90% satisfied; the gouges are gone and the green splash on raw aluminum looks pretty good but won't really match the sage & black scheme of the prostock. If I do it again I would definitely 1) get new bleach ,2) order some specialty ano dye or at least a sage color green Rit dye to more closely color match, 3) spend a little more time on the surface finish (maybe buy a bench buffer/wire wheel), 4) remember to take better before pics so I can feel better about the finished product

Intermediate Steps: