My Secret Santa sent me a nice project gun this year. I put the finishing touches on it this evening and I'm pretty happy with the results.
The seals all needed to be replaced and it was missing a few small parts, but it was nothing I couldn't fix or fabricate myself.


I replaced the missing feed cap with a 3D printed and sanded part I made.

The rear feed plug was replaced by one of my 3D printed extended feed plugs.

I drilled & tapped the lower tube for an RVA. The bolt was also missing a lug, pin. and rear set screw, which I was able to replace with set screws. I had to tap two holes in the bolt to take the set screws to keep the bolt from separating.

I also ended up replacing the original grips with another set of PMI grips I had with the foil stickers still intact as well as replacing the Philips frame screws with Allen screws. I'm still debating whether to eventually upgrade the grips to the PMI rubbers I like and whether or not I want to invest in a 12-gram fast changer. I also may or may not do wedgits on this one. I guess no gun is ever really done.
The seals all needed to be replaced and it was missing a few small parts, but it was nothing I couldn't fix or fabricate myself.
I replaced the missing feed cap with a 3D printed and sanded part I made.
The rear feed plug was replaced by one of my 3D printed extended feed plugs.
I drilled & tapped the lower tube for an RVA. The bolt was also missing a lug, pin. and rear set screw, which I was able to replace with set screws. I had to tap two holes in the bolt to take the set screws to keep the bolt from separating.
I also ended up replacing the original grips with another set of PMI grips I had with the foil stickers still intact as well as replacing the Philips frame screws with Allen screws. I'm still debating whether to eventually upgrade the grips to the PMI rubbers I like and whether or not I want to invest in a 12-gram fast changer. I also may or may not do wedgits on this one. I guess no gun is ever really done.