Took a break from MCB after the old site got hacked. Was cutting out a bunch of social media and just people in general because, well a bunch of people turned into jackhats in the past couple years. I'm noticing less people claiming the fifth horseman of the apocalypse is not agreeing on every single issue so I thought I'd try and get back into the online communities I felt actually cared and had my back so here I am. What did I all miss?
Wife and I paid off her student loans, took up hunting hardcore, and started brewing a mix of beer, wine, and mead with a buddy. Besides that got a new job running a service van for a very small electrical company. Bit higher stress but the culture is really good and everyone understands that work is just a means to do things we actually want to do so time off is very flexible.
I guess PB related still playing pump with my phantom most of the time, trying to run stock class when I can. Find myself playing mech a bit more with a mag to change things up. Want to try getting good at playing pistol but I've been saying that for years so who knows.
Wife and I paid off her student loans, took up hunting hardcore, and started brewing a mix of beer, wine, and mead with a buddy. Besides that got a new job running a service van for a very small electrical company. Bit higher stress but the culture is really good and everyone understands that work is just a means to do things we actually want to do so time off is very flexible.
I guess PB related still playing pump with my phantom most of the time, trying to run stock class when I can. Find myself playing mech a bit more with a mag to change things up. Want to try getting good at playing pistol but I've been saying that for years so who knows.