Anyone into typewriters? Specifically mechanical ones. I'm not too deep into them and I do not own one, but I have used one on a few occasions in the past. In doing some searching I know it can be quite the rabbit hole. I'm thinking of picking one up for simple typing, to not use any power just to type a simple document, and for the sheer enjoyment of using something more mechanical. I like mechanical keyboards and I write a lot of notes & other handwritten stuff, so I'm thinking this might be a fun thing to do.
I know it's dated technology, impractical, yada yada. But does anyone still use one for fun (or even for work)? Discuss away.
Fun fact: I did a search on here in case something had been posted about them, but the term "typewriter" yielded absolutely no results. Not even as a keyword.
I know it's dated technology, impractical, yada yada. But does anyone still use one for fun (or even for work)? Discuss away.
Fun fact: I did a search on here in case something had been posted about them, but the term "typewriter" yielded absolutely no results. Not even as a keyword.